Sexual Harassment and Prevention Training

In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan.


Even though sexual harassment policies and procedures are required within the medical field, surveys reveal that unwanted sexual and gender harassment is prevalent in healthcare workplaces. In the healthcare community, sexual harassment remains an issue for worker wellness and productivity, as well as the optimal delivery of patient care. Sexual harassment is a risk factor for various mental health conditions and can result in qualified personnel leaving the workplace. Efficient training and preventive measures improve recognition of potential sexually offensive behaviors and help to establish an inclusive and respectful workplace. Acknowledging the problem is the first step, and prevention is the cornerstone of an effective anti-harassment strategy. Changes in institutional and organizational approaches can prevent sexual harassment and covert retaliation. Helpful initiatives include enhanced senior faculty member training and encouragement of bystander complaints when they witness prohibited behaviors. All medical fields can benefit from reflecting on workplace culture, focusing on prevention, reviewing policies and strategies, and committing to change.

Sexual harassment continues to be prevalent in medical training, a pressing concern for leadership. The adverse effects detract from the professional workforce.

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  • Study Guide