Health Insurance Ownership among Moluccans in Indonesia

Indian J Community Med. 2022 Jul-Sep;47(3):332-335. doi: 10.4103/ijcm.ijcm_593_21. Epub 2022 Oct 10.


Background: Expanding the reach of health insurance in Maluku aims to increase public access with the archipelago topography to healthcare facilities.

Objective: The study aimed to analyze factors related to health insurance ownership among Moluccans.

Materials and methods: The study employed 788 respondents. The variables analyzed included health insurance, age, gender, education, and employment. The study used multinomial logistic regression in the final stage.

Results: The age group ≤19 years was 0.182 times more likely than the ≥50 years of age group to have government-run type health insurance. The 20-29 years of age group was 0.219 times more likely than the ≥50 years of age group to have government-run health insurance. On the other hand, Moluccans with primary education were 0.196 times more likely than Moluccans with higher education to have a government-run type of health insurance. Moluccans with secondary education were 0.415 times more likely than Moluccans with higher education to have government-run health insurance. Unemployed have a probability of 0.358 times than employed to have the government-run health insurance type. Finally, unemployed is 0.056 times more likely than employed to have private-run health insurance.

Conclusions: Three variables prove associated with health insurance ownership among Moluccans in Indonesia, namely age, education, and employment.

Keywords: Health insurance; healthcare; public health; social determinant of health.