Unidirectional amplification in optomechanical system coupling with a structured bath

Opt Express. 2022 Jun 6;30(12):21649-21663. doi: 10.1364/OE.457931.


Nonreciprocity plays an indispensable role in quantum information transmission. We theoretically study the unidirectional amplification in the non-Markovian regime, in which a nanosphere surrounded by a structured bath is trapped in a single (dual)-mode cavity. The global mechanical response function of the nanosphere is markedly altered by the non-Markovian structured bath through shifting the effective frequency and magnifying the response function. Consequently, when there is a small difference in the transmission rate within the regime of Markovian, the unidirectional amplification is achieved in the super-Ohmic spectral environment. In the double-optomechanical coupling system, the phase difference between two optomechanical couplings can reverse the transmission direction. Meanwhile, the non-Markovian bath still can amplify the signal because of the XX-type coupling between nanosphere and its bath.