Transcriptome Analysis of Beet Webworm Shows That Histone Deacetylase May Affect Diapause by Regulating Juvenile Hormone

Insects. 2022 Sep 14;13(9):835. doi: 10.3390/insects13090835.


The beet webworm (Loxostege sticticalis L.) is an important agricultural pest and can tolerate harsh environmental conditions by entering diapause. The diapause mechanism of beet webworm is unknown. Therefore, we conducted a transcriptomic study of the process from diapause induction to diapause release in beet webworms. The results revealed 393 gene modules closely related to the diapause of beet webworm. The hub gene of the red module was the HDACI gene, which acts through histone deacetylase (HDAC) enzymes. HDAC enzyme activity was regulated by the light duration and influenced the JH content under induced beet webworm diapause conditions (12 h light:12 h dark). In addition, transcriptomic data suggested that circadian genes may not be the key genes responsible for beet webworm diapause. However, we showed that the photoperiod affects HDAC enzyme activity, and HDAC can regulate the involvement of JH in beet webworm diapause. This study provided a new module for studying insect diapause and links histone acetylation and diapause at the transcriptome level.

Keywords: Loxostege sticticalis L.; diapause; histone deacetylase; weighted gene co-expression network analysis module.