Together Till the End: Two Cases of Withdrawal of Life Support

Cureus. 2022 Aug 10;14(8):e27852. doi: 10.7759/cureus.27852. eCollection 2022 Aug.


It's important to consider patients' wishes regarding treatment options, especially near the end of life to allow patients to die with dignity. Worldwide variability exists regarding the palliative extubation decision, which is performed to relieve suffering by the termination of mechanical ventilation and withdrawal of the breathing tube, consequently avoiding the prolongation of death. It is only performed when it is consistent with patients' values and prognosis. This variability is even more prominent in low-income and developing countries. We are presenting a case report of two patients, a husband and a wife, who underwent palliative extubation and withdrawal of life support on the same day.

Keywords: advance care planning; advance directive; health care proxies; supportive and palliative care; terminal extubation; withdraw of care.

Publication types

  • Case Reports