Efficacy of Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty in Primary Angle-closure Glaucoma after Peripheral Iridotomy

J Curr Glaucoma Pract. 2022 May-Aug;16(2):124-127. doi: 10.5005/jp-journals-10078-1377.


Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) in Southeast Asian eyes with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) vs primary angle-closure glaucoma after peripheral iridotomy (PACG-PI).

Materials and methods: Records of glaucoma patients who underwent SLT and had a 24-month follow-up were reviewed. Pre- and post-treatment intraocular pressure (IOP), percentage of IOP reduction in POAG, and PACG-PI groups, and probability of failure were analyzed. SLT failure was defined as any eye that did not have IOP lower than 20% compared to the baseline or had an IOP higher than the baseline on two consecutive visits. Adding medication, repeating SLT, or surgical intervention to control IOP was also considered a failure.

Results: Sixty-three POAG and 12 PACG-PI eyes were eligible. The mean (standard deviation [SD]) age was 62.9 (10.2) years in POAG and 60.3 (6.2) years in PACG-PI. Mean (SD) prelaser IOP in POAG was 19.0 (4.4) mm Hg and 20.7 (4.7) mm Hg in PACG-PI. At 24 months post-SLT, mean (SD) IOP was 14.1 (4.7) mm Hg and 13.6 (2.0) mm Hg in POAG and PACG-PI, respectively. There was no significant difference in percentage of IOP reduction (22.8 ± 23.0% for POAG and 30.7 ± 19.5% for PACG-PI, p = 0.96), or failure probability (p = 0.10) between both groups.

Conclusion: The efficacy of SLT at 24 months was comparable between POAG and PACG-PI.

Clinical significance: Selective laser trabeculoplasty may be an option to further lower IOP in eyes with angle closure with visible trabecular meshwork (TM) after iridotomy, especially in highly pigmented eyes of Southeast Asians.

How to cite this article: Wongwuticomjon T, Chansangpetch S, Inobhas A, et al. Efficacy of Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty in Primary Angle-closure Glaucoma after Peripheral Iridotomy. J Curr Glaucoma Pract 2022;16(2):124-127.

Keywords: Primary angle-closure glaucoma; Primary open-angle glaucoma; Selective laser trabeculoplasty.