Efficacy, Safety, and Pharmacoeconomic Analysis of Adalimumab and Secukinumab for Moderate-to-Severe Plaque Psoriasis: A Single-Center, Real-World Study

Dermatol Ther (Heidelb). 2022 Sep;12(9):2105-2115. doi: 10.1007/s13555-022-00787-x. Epub 2022 Aug 11.


Introduction: A growing number of biologics have recently been approved in China for psoriasis treatment, and some of these are eligible for Chinese medical insurance, resulting in a significant increase in the number of patients receiving these biologics. Nevertheless, real-world data on the efficacy and safety of biologics for treating moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis in Chinese patients are limited, and relevant pharmacoeconomic studies are lacking. Therefore, we performed a prospective, single-center study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of adalimumab (ADA) and secukinumab (SEC) in real-world practice. A cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) was also conducted.

Methods: Participants were enrolled between January 2019 and December 2020 at the West China Hospital, Sichuan University. Baseline and follow-up assessments were conducted, and an appropriate statistical analysis was performed.

Results: A total of 183 patients were included. At week 12, the number of patients achieving a psoriasis area and severity index reduction of 75% (PASI 75) with SEC treatment was higher than that with ADA and methotrexate (MTX) (SEC versus ADA versus MTX, 90.59% versus 58.70% versus 17.14%, respectively). Adverse events (AEs) were reported in 44.83% and 56.36% of patients in the SEC and ADA groups, respectively. The cost-effectiveness ratio in the SEC group was 46,311.83 Chinese yuan(CNY), compared with 17,580.92 CNY in the ADA group.

Conclusion: In real-world practice, SEC and ADA are effective and safe for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis treatment in Chinese patients. On the basis of drug prices during our study period without considering access to health insurance, ADA was more cost-effective in real-world practice. Adalimumab and secukinumab are two monoclonal antibodies used for the treatment of psoriasis, which target different cytokines in the pathogenesis. A growing number of biologics have recently been approved in China for psoriasis treatment including adalimumab and secukinumab, which are eligible for Chinese medical insurance, resulting in a significant increase in the number of patients receiving these biologics. With the purpose of evaluating its efficacy and safety in the real world, we registered the data of eligible patients in West China Hospital, Sichuan University over the past two years and conducted statistical analysis. In order to provide different therapeutic strategies for patients based on case-specific needs and access to financial resources, we performed pharmacoeconomic analyses to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the two drugs. Our study demonstrated that adalimumab and secukinumab were effective and safe for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis in Chinese patients in the real-world practice. Based on drug prices during our study period and without taking into consideration access to health insurance, ADA was more cost-effective in real-world practice.

Keywords: Efficacy; Pharmacoeconomics; Psoriasis; Real-world; Safety.