The New High-Pressure Phases of Nitrogen-Rich Ag-N Compounds

Materials (Basel). 2022 Jul 18;15(14):4986. doi: 10.3390/ma15144986.


The high-pressure phase diagram of Ag-N compounds is enriched by proposing three stable high-pressure phases (P4/mmm-AgN2, P1-AgN7 and P-1-AgN7) and two metastable high-pressure phases (P-1-AgN4 and P-1-AgN8). The novel N7 rings and N20 rings are firstly found in the folded layer structure of P-1-AgN7. The electronic structure properties of predicted five structures are studied by the calculations of the band structure and DOS. The analyses of ELF and Bader charge show that the strong N-N covalent bond interaction and the weak Ag-N ionic bond interaction constitute the stable mechanism of Ag-N compounds. The charge transfer between the Ag and N atoms plays an important role for the structural stability. Moreover, the P-1-AgN7 and P-1-AgN8 with the high-energy density and excellent detonation properties are potential candidates for new high-energy density species.

Keywords: high-energy density; high-pressure; polymeric nitrogen.