Prevalence of sexual dysfunctions and associated risk factors in Poland

Arch Med Sci. 2019 Jul 22;18(4):1031-1040. doi: 10.5114/aoms.2019.86794. eCollection 2022.


Introduction: Many biological, psychological and sociocultural factors influence the prevalence of sexual dysfunctions and sexual behavior. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of sexual dysfunctions and sexual behaviors.

Material and methods: The study was the third edition of a general population-based, cross sectional survey, evaluating sexual attitude, sexual behaviors within and outside relationships and type of sexual dysfunctions present in the Polish population. The survey consisted of 82 questions, grouped into five blocks that contained open- and closed-ended general questions, inquiries about early sexual contacts, sex life, relationships, sexual behaviors and preferences. A standard questionnaire was used to obtain data on age, education, marital status, religious beliefs, medical history, disabilities and other illnesses. A total of 1054 responders aged from 18 to over 70 years participated in the study. Risk factors and other causes contributing to certain sexual dysfunctions defined in the DSM-5 and in the available literature were analyzed.

Results: In this research, 40% of women and 36.5% of men had at least one sexual dysfunction. Analysis of the total population showed that decreased sexual desire (29.0%), occasional climaxing (28.5%) and anorgasmia (21.0%) were the dysfunctions most frequently reported by women. In men, premature ejaculation (23%) and excessive sexual needs (16.3%) were most prevalent. Both men and women with arousal problems reported significantly more comorbid sexual dysfunctions (p < 0.001).

Conclusions: Sexual dysfunctions are highly prevalent in the Polish population. Of note, it is alarming that only very few patients seek professional help when sexual problems occur.

Keywords: sexual activity; sexual behavior; sexual dysfunction.