Transient absorption spectroscopy and imaging of redox in muscle mitochondria

Biomed Opt Express. 2022 Mar 16;13(4):2103-2116. doi: 10.1364/BOE.452559. eCollection 2022 Apr 1.


Mitochondrial redox is an important indicator of cell metabolism and health, with implications in cancer, diabetes, aging, neurodegenerative diseases, and mitochondrial disease. The most common method to observe redox of individual cells and mitochondria is through fluorescence of NADH and FAD+, endogenous cofactors serve as electron transport inputs to the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Yet this leaves out redox within the respiratory chain itself. To a degree, the missing information can be filled in by exogenous fluorophores, but at the risk of disturbed mitochondrial permeability and respiration. Here we show that variations in respiratory chain redox can be detected up by visible-wavelength transient absorption microscopy (TAM). In TAM, the selection of pump and probe wavelengths can provide multiphoton imaging contrast between non-fluorescent molecules. Here, we applied TAM with a pump at 520nm and probe at 450nm, 490nm, and 620nm to elicit redox contrast from mitochondrial respiratory chain hemeproteins. Experiments were performed with reduced and oxidized preparations of isolated mitochondria and whole muscle fibers, using mitochondrial fuels (malate, pyruvate, and succinate) to set up physiologically relevant oxidation levels. TAM images of muscle fibers were analyzed with multivariate curve resolution (MCR), revealing that the response at 620nm probe provides the best redox contrast and the most consistent response between whole cells and isolated mitochondria.