A 40-year-old man with a rapidly growing intrascrotal tumor in the fibroma-thecoma group

IJU Case Rep. 2022 Mar 17;5(3):175-178. doi: 10.1002/iju5.12430. eCollection 2022 May.


Introduction: Tumors in the fibroma-thecoma group are benign tumors, typically found in the ovaries of postmenopausal women and occasionally develop in the testes. These tumors are mostly treated with radical orchiectomy because preoperative diagnosis confirming the benign nature is difficult.

Case presentation: A 40-year-old man was incidentally pointed out to have a right intrascrotal mass, measuring approximately 10 cm on computed tomography. Malignant testicular tumor was suspected based on the location and size of the tumor. The patient underwent right radical orchiectomy. Histologically, the tumor had no evidence of malignancy, and the diagnosis of tumors in the fibroma-thecoma group was made. The patient had no recurrence 8 months after surgery.

Conclusion: Intrascrotal tumors in the fibroma-thecoma group are rare benign tumors and mostly treated with radical orchiectomy due to concerns about malignancies. Further investigation is needed for accurate preoperative diagnosis, and we should be aware of these rare tumors.

Keywords: fibrothecoma; intrascrotal tumor; orchiectomy; paratesticular tumor; tumors in the fibroma–thecoma group.

Publication types

  • Case Reports