Pandemics and pediatric otolaryngology

Oper Tech Otolayngol Head Neck Surg. 2022 Jun;33(2):112-118. doi: 10.1016/j.otot.2022.04.006. Epub 2022 Apr 28.


The objective is to describe how the COVID pandemic changed the epidemiology and management of pediatric otolaryngologic diseases, which may influence clinical decision-making in the future. Many changes were made to the structure of healthcare delivery to minimize transmission of coronavirus. As a result, there was a widespread adoption of telehealth. Additionally, guidelines were published with new protocols for evaluation and management of common pediatric otolaryngologic conditions, which in many circumstances, delayed or replaced surgical intervention. Now, as we evaluate the impact of these clinical changes, we have gained new understanding about the pathophysiology of certain pediatric conditions, namely otitis media, for which upper respiratory infection exposure may play a larger role than previously thought. As we have altered practice patterns for common pediatric otolaryngologic conditions, we recognize that ongoing research may help us determine if surgical interventions have been overutilized in the past and help guide clinical practice guidelines moving forward.

Keywords: COVID-19; Pediatric otolaryngology.