Anomalous transport of colloids in heterogeneous porous media: A multi-scale statistical theory

J Colloid Interface Sci. 2022 Jul:617:94-105. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2022.02.127. Epub 2022 Mar 2.


Hypothesis: Transport of suspended colloids in heterogeneous porous media is a multi-scale process that exhibits anomalous behavior and cannot be described by the Fickian dispersion theory. Although many studies have documented colloids' transport at different length scales, a theoretical basis that links pore- to core-scale observations remains lacking. It is hypothesized that a recently proposed pore-scale statistical kinetic theory is able to capture the results observed experimentally.

Experiments: We implement a multi-scale approach via conducting core-flooding experiments of colloidal particles in a sandstone sample, simulating particles flowing through a sub-volume of the rock's digital twin, and developing a core-scale statistical theory for particles' residence times via upscaling the pore-scale kinetic theory. Experimental and computational results for solute transport are used as benchmark.

Findings: Based on good agreement across the scales achieved in our investigation, we show that the macroscopically observed anomalous transport is particle-type dependent and stems from particles' microscopic dispersion and deposition in heterogeneous flow fields. In particular, we reveal that residence-time distributions (i.e., breakthrough curve) obey a closed-form function that encompasses particles' microscopic dynamics, which allows investigations of a whole transition from pre-asymptotic to asymptotic behavior. The physical insights attained could be useful for interpreting experimental data and designing colloidal tracers.

Keywords: Anomalous transport; Colloid; Digital rock; Multi-scale approach; Porous media.