Video Reenactment as Inductive Bias for Content-Motion Disentanglement

IEEE Trans Image Process. 2022:31:2365-2374. doi: 10.1109/TIP.2022.3153140. Epub 2022 Mar 15.


Independent components within low-dimensional representations are essential inputs in several downstream tasks, and provide explanations over the observed data. Video-based disentangled factors of variation provide low-dimensional representations that can be identified and used to feed task-specific models. We introduce MTC-VAE, a self-supervised motion-transfer VAE model to disentangle motion and content from videos. Unlike previous work on video content-motion disentanglement, we adopt a chunk-wise modeling approach and take advantage of the motion information contained in spatiotemporal neighborhoods. Our model yields independent per-chunk representations that preserve temporal consistency. Hence, we reconstruct whole videos in a single forward-pass. We extend the ELBO's log-likelihood term and include a Blind Reenactment Loss as an inductive bias to leverage motion disentanglement, under the assumption that swapping motion features yields reenactment between two videos. We evaluate our model with recently-proposed disentanglement metrics and show that it outperforms a variety of methods for video motion-content disentanglement. Experiments on video reenactment show the effectiveness of our disentanglement in the input space where our model outperforms the baselines in reconstruction quality and motion alignment.