Transport and retention patterns of fragmental microplastics in saturated and unsaturated porous media: A real-time pore-scale visualization

Water Res. 2022 May 1:214:118195. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2022.118195. Epub 2022 Feb 14.


The environmental behaviors of microplastics (MPs) have garnered ever-increasing attention globally. To overcome the limitations of commonly used "black box", a real-time pore-scale visualization system including microscope, charge coupled device (CCD) microscope camera, and flow cell (connected with pump and sample collector) was used to unravel the transport and retention mechanisms of fragmental microplastics (FMPs) in saturated and unsaturated porous media. The breakthrough curves (BTCs) of effluent concentrations from the flow cells were used to quantitatively analyze FMPs transport. The videos gathered from different transport scenarios indicated that FMPs can move along with the bulk flow in porous media, but also move around the sand surfaces via sliding, rolling, and saltating patterns. The FMPs were retained in porous media mainly via deposition and straining in saturated porous media. Interestingly, little FMPs were captured by the air-water interface in unsaturated conditions. The mobility of FMPs varied with environmental factors, which became lower at higher solution ionic strength (IS), smaller grain size, and lower water content in porous media. Flow rate barely affected the transport of FMPs under 0.1 mM IS with the mass recovery rate ranging between 65.8 and 67.5%, but significantly enhanced FMPs mobility under 10 mM IS through reducing the moving rate. The IS and grain size showed a more significant effect on the transport of FMPs in unsaturated porous media. Our findings, for the first time, visually deciphered the transport and retention patterns of MPs with fragmental shapes on pore-scale, expanding our current knowledge of the fate and transport of more realistic MPs in the environment.

Keywords: Fragmental microplastics; Pore-scale; Porous media; Retention patterns; Transport patterns; Visualization.