Effective Interventions for Improving Functional Movement Screen Scores Among "High-Risk" Athletes: A Systematic Review

Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2022 Feb 1;17(2):131-138. doi: 10.26603/001c.31001. eCollection 2022.


Background: The Functional Movement ScreenTM (FMSTM) is a tool designed to screen a series of movements that aids in the identification of compensatory fundamental movement patterns, functional limitations, and asymmetrical movement patterns. A previous systematic review and meta-analysis has shown that athletes with an FMSTM score <13-14 are considered "high-risk" and are more likely to be injured. There are discrepancies regarding the efficacy of physical intervention programs in improving FMSTM scores.

Purpose: The aim of this systematic review was to assess the role of physical intervention programs in increasing functional movement in "high-risk" athletes as measured by the FMSTM.

Study design: Systematic Review.

Methods: A computerized search was performed in 2019 according to PRISMA guidelines searching Embase, Science Direct, Ovid, and PubMed. The studies were assessed for quality and risk of bias using the Modified Downs and Black checklist. Participant demographics, intervention routines, and FMSTM scores were extracted from the included studies.

Results: Six studies met the inclusion criteria and demonstrated a fair methodological quality. Comparisons across all studies revealed significant improvement in FMSTM scores following implementation of a variety of physical intervention programs. These programs included those that utilized functional training, foot muscle strengthening, Pilates, core stability training, and resistance movements. Despite variations in the corrective exercises performed, the number of training sessions, and the length of the intervention program, all studies demonstrated an increase in the total FMSTM score following program implementation.

Conclusion: The included intervention programs significantly improved total FMSTM scores in "high-risk" athletes. Despite variations in the corrective exercises (interventions) performed, the number of training sessions, and the length of the program, all studies demonstrated a significant increase in the total FMSTM score following program implementation.

Keywords: functional movement screen; injury prevention; injury risk reduction; intervention program; movement system.