Mortality due to COVID-19 during the pandemic: A comparison of first, secondo and third SMAtteo COvid19 REgistry (SMACORE)

Heliyon. 2022 Feb;8(2):e08895. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e08895. Epub 2022 Feb 3.


COVID-19 tide had shattered on European countries with three distinct and tough waves, from March and April, 2020; October and November, 2020 and March and April, 2021 respectively. We observed a 50% reduction in the hazard of death during both wave II and III compared with wave I (HR 0.54, 95%CI 0.39-0.74 and HR 0.57, 95%CI 0.41-0.80, respectively). Sex and age were independent predictors of death. We compare in-hospital mortality of COVID-19 patients admitted at our Referral Hospital of Northern Italy during the different waves, discuss the reasons of the observed differences and suggest approaches to the challenges ahead.

Keywords: Covid-19; In-hospital mortality.