Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Patients with Gastrointestinal Cancer Undergoing Active Cancer Treatment in an Ambulatory Therapy Center: The Patients' Perspective

Healthcare (Basel). 2021 Dec 6;9(12):1688. doi: 10.3390/healthcare9121688.


Background: The mortality risk increases greatly in patients with cancer if they are infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. The new American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) guidelines for the COVID-19 pandemic suggested modifications to the standards of care to reduce harm from treatment. However, it is unclear whether these changes suit the wishes of patients.

Methods: We conducted a survey of patients with gastrointestinal cancer who were undergoing active chemotherapy in our ambulatory therapy center between 17 August and 11 September 2020. The survey comprised 18 questions on five topics: patient characteristics, lifestyle changes, disturbance in their psychological health, thoughts on the cancer treatment, and infection control in the hospital.

Results: Among the 63 patients who received the questionnaire, 61 participated in the study. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to changes in their lifestyles and substantially impacted their psychological wellbeing. The incidence of anxiety and insomnia has considerably increased during the pandemic. However, female patients and patients aged 70 years or older reported no notable differences. There was no significant difference in the responses to the questions regarding thoughts on the cancer treatment.

Conclusion: Our study revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic has substantially impacted patients' lifestyles and psychological wellbeing. However, most patients preferred to continue their usual treatment without any change to their treatment plan. It is important to involve the patient in the decision-making process when formulating treatment goals.

Keywords: COVID-19; gastrointestinal cancer; patient perspective.