The Effect of Light Intensity, Strain, and Age on the Behavior, Jumping Frequency and Success, and Welfare of Egg-Strain Pullets Reared in Perchery Systems

Animals (Basel). 2021 Nov 24;11(12):3353. doi: 10.3390/ani11123353.


The effects of light intensity (L) are not well studied in pullets. Our research objective was to study the effect of L on navigational success, behavior, and welfare of two pullet strains (S). In two repeated trials, a 3 × 2 × 4 factorial arrangement tested three L (10, 30, 50 lux) and two S (Lohmann Brown-Lite (LB), LSL-Lite (LW)) at four ages. One thousand eight hundred pullets/S (0-16 wk) were randomly assigned to floor pens within light-tight rooms (three pens/S/room, four rooms/L) containing four parallel perches and a ramp. Data collection included jumping frequency and success (24h continuous sampling), novel object tests (fear), heterophil to lymphocyte (H/L) ratios (stress), and behavior (instantaneous scan sampling) during photoperiods. L did not affect injurious behavior, fear, or H/L. Pullets reared at 50 lux spent more time preening than at 10 lux. Pullets reared at 10 lux spent more time wall pecking than at 50 lux. Time spent standing and preening and total number and accuracy of jumping increased with age. Pullets reared at 30 lux had higher jumping frequency than at 10 lux; accuracy was not affected. LW jumped more than LB, but with similar success. LB spent more time exploring and scored higher in the fear and stress assessments, suggesting S differences.

Keywords: Lohmann Brown-Lite; Lohmann LSL-Lite; environmental navigation; heterophil/lymphocyte ratio; novel object test.