RSNA-MICCAI Panel Discussion: 2. Leveraging the Full Potential of AI-Radiologists and Data Scientists Working Together

Radiol Artif Intell. 2021 Oct 27;3(6):e210248. doi: 10.1148/ryai.2021210248. eCollection 2021 Nov.


In March 2021, the Radiological Society of North America hosted a virtual panel discussion with members of the Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Society. Both organizations share a vision to develop radiologic and medical imaging techniques through advanced quantitative imaging biomarkers and artificial intelligence. The panel addressed how radiologists and data scientists can collaborate to advance the science of AI in radiology. Keywords: Adults and Pediatrics, Segmentation, Feature Detection, Quantification, Diagnosis/Classification, Prognosis/Classification © RSNA, 2021.

Keywords: Adults and Pediatrics; Diagnosis/Classification; Feature Detection; Prognosis/Classification; Quantification; Segmentation.

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  • Editorial