Arabic text classification: the need for multi-labeling systems

Neural Comput Appl. 2022;34(2):1135-1159. doi: 10.1007/s00521-021-06390-z. Epub 2021 Sep 1.


The process of tagging a given text or document with suitable labels is known as text categorization or classification. The aim of this work is to automatically tag a news article based on its vocabulary features. To accomplish this objective, 2 large datasets have been constructed from various Arabic news portals. The first dataset contains of 90k single-labeled articles from 4 domains (Business, Middle East, Technology and Sports). The second dataset has over 290 k multi-tagged articles. To examine the single-label dataset, we employed an array of ten shallow learning classifiers. Furthermore, we added an ensemble model that adopts the majority-voting technique of all studied classifiers. The performance of the classifiers on the first dataset ranged between 87.7% (AdaBoost) and 97.9% (SVM). Analyzing some of the misclassified articles confirmed the need for a multi-label opposed to single-label categorization for better classification results. For the second dataset, we tested both shallow learning and deep learning multi-labeling approaches. A custom accuracy metric, designed for the multi-labeling task, has been developed for performance evaluation along with hamming loss metric. Firstly, we used classifiers that were compatible with multi-labeling tasks such as Logistic Regression and XGBoost, by wrapping each in a OneVsRest classifier. XGBoost gave the higher accuracy, scoring 84.7%, while Logistic Regression scored 81.3%. Secondly, ten neural networks were constructed (CNN, CLSTM, LSTM, BILSTM, GRU, CGRU, BIGRU, HANGRU, CRF-BILSTM and HANLSTM). CGRU proved to be the best multi-labeling classifier scoring an accuracy of 94.85%, higher than the rest of the classifies.

Keywords: Arabic datasets; Arabic text classification; Deep learning classifiers; Multi-label classification; Shallow learning classifiers; Single-label classification.