Evaluation of an unscheduled care model delivered by advanced nurse practitioners in a primary-care setting

J Res Nurs. 2019 Dec;24(8):696-709. doi: 10.1177/1744987119852380. Epub 2019 Jul 23.


Background: Considering new models of delivery may help reduce increasing pressures on primary care. One potentially viable solution is utilising Advanced Practitioners to deliver unscheduled afternoon visits otherwise undertaken by a General Practitioner (GP).

Aims: Evaluate the feasibility of utilising an Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) to deliver unscheduled home visits on behalf of GPs in a primary care setting.

Methods: Following a telephone request from patients, ANPs conducted unscheduled home visits on behalf of GPs over a six-month period. Service-level data collected included patient-facing time and outcome of visits. Practice staff and ANPs participated in mind-mapping sessions to explore perceptions of the service.

Results: There were 239 accepted referrals (total visiting time 106.55 hours). The most common outcomes for visits were 'medication and worsening statement given' (107 cases) and 'self-care advice' (47 cases). GPs were very satisfied with the service (average score 90%), reporting reductions in stress and capacity improvements. Given the low referral rejection rate, ANPs discussed the potential to increase the number of practices able to access this model, in addition to the possibility of utilising other practitioners (such as paramedics or physiotherapists) to deliver the same service.

Conclusions: It appears delivering unscheduled care provision using an ANP is feasible and acceptable to GPs.

Keywords: advanced and specialist practice; community; evaluation research; home care; innovation and improvement.