High Voltage-Stabilized Graphdiyne Cathode Interface

Small. 2021 Sep;17(38):e2102066. doi: 10.1002/smll.202102066. Epub 2021 Aug 8.


Suppressing the irreversible interfacial reactions is an important scientific bottleneck in the development of stable high-energy-density lithium-ion battery. The interfacial chemistry of graphdiyne (GDY) on the high-voltage cathode of LiNi0.5 Mn1.5 O4 (LNMO) shows a very interesting process, in which the sp-hybridization carbon atoms chemically scavenge the hydrofluoric acid (HF) and in situ form the fluorinated GDY interface. It first turns the harmful HF into profit, and greatly enhances the interfacial stability and restrains the side reaction on the cathode under high working voltage. The GDY-coated LNMO cathode obviously alleviates the electrolyte degradation, achieves high Coulombic efficiency and reliability. Due to atomic-level selectivity and chemical trapping of HF by GDY, it effectively suppresses the dissolution of Mn, Ni elements. These results highlight the unparalleled advantages of GDY in the formation of high stable interfaces and protection of high-energy-density electrodes.

Keywords: electrolyte stability; graphdiyne; high working voltage; hydrofluoric acid; interfacial protection; lithium-ion batteries; spinel cathodes.