o-Quinone methide with overcrowded olefin component as a dehydridation catalyst under aerobic photoirradiation conditions

Chem Sci. 2021 Jan 15;12(8):2778-2783. doi: 10.1039/d0sc06240e.


An o-quinone methide (o-QM) featuring an overcrowded olefinic framework is introduced, which exhibits dehydridation activity owing to its enhanced zwitterionic character, particularly through photoexcitation. The characteristics of this o-QM enable the operation of dehydridative catalysis in the oxidation of benzylic secondary alcohols under aerobic photoirradiation conditions. An experimental analysis and density functional theory calculations provide mechanistic insights; the ground-state zwitterionic intermediate abstracts a hydride and proton simultaneously, and the active oxygen species facilitate catalyst regeneration.