Comparison of Effect of Nebivolol and Bisoprolol on Sexual Function of Hypertensive Female Patients

Cureus. 2021 May 16;13(5):e15062. doi: 10.7759/cureus.15062.


Introduction Male and female sexual dysfunction is frequently found in patients with hypertension. Many studies indicate that this is found more frequently in patients treated with beta-blockers rather than due to hypertension itself; however, almost all studies have been done on male population. This study aims to study the effect of two commonly used beta-blockers on sexual function of a hypertensive female patient. Methods This two-arm open-label randomized prospective study was conducted from April 1, 2019 to March 30, 2020 in a tertiary care hospital at Pakistan. One hundred and fifty participants randomized to group A were given nebivolol 5 mg once daily in addition to their current hypertensive treatment. Another 150 participants randomized to group B were given bisoprolol 5 mg once daily in addition to their hypertensive therapy. Sexual function was assessed on day 0 and day 90 using female sexual function index (FSFI). Results The mean sexual score in the nebivolol group significantly improved after day 90 in comparison to day 0 (24.16 ± 2.1 vs. 26.91 ± 2.6; p-value < 0.0001), while no difference in sexual score in bisoprolol group after day 90 was observed (24.14 ± 2.1 vs. 24.12 ± 2.0; p-value = 0.91). Conclusion In this study, nebivolol group was associated with a significant improvement in sexual function. This can be due to additional vasodilation properties and a low risk of sexual side effects associated with nebivolol.

Keywords: bisoprolol; female sexual function; hypertension; nebivolol; sexual function.