Pharmacy-Based Assessment and Management of Herpes Labialis (Cold Sores) with Antiviral Therapy

Innov Pharm. 2020 Jul 31;11(3):10.24926/iip.v11i3.1532. doi: 10.24926/iip.v11i3.1532. eCollection 2020.


Herpes labialis, commonly known as cold sores, is an infection of the mouth and surrounding area. Antiviral therapy can be used to block viral replication, which shortens the duration of symptoms, facilitates resolution of lesions, and lessens the risk of spreading the virus. Increasing access to antivirals targeted against herpes labialis by allowing assessment and prescribing by a pharmacist may decrease time to treatment for HSV-1, and improve patient satisfaction. Experience from Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United States demonstrate that pharmacist management of cold sores has a safe track record and may be considered by other jurisdictions.

Keywords: Permissionless Innovation; Pharmacy; Prescriptive; Scope of Practice.