Preliminary measurement scales for sparkle and graininess

Opt Express. 2021 Mar 1;29(5):7589-7600. doi: 10.1364/OE.411953.


Large effect pigments, widely used in various fields of industrial applications, produce characteristic visual textures known as sparkle and graininess, which need to be quantified by objective or subjective methods. The development of preliminary measurement scales for sparkle and graininess, whose recommendation is now under discussion in the International Commission on Illumination (CIE), is described in this article. These scales are absolute, linear and traceable to standards of optical radiation metrology. The main purpose of this article is to justify the convenience of adopting these preliminary measurements scales, showing clear evidence that they correlate well with subjective evaluations. Before standardization, these scales need to be validated with more experimental data, including different specimens and experimental systems from other research groups.