Spatially Controlled Octahedral Rotations and Metal-Insulator Transitions in Nickelate Superlattices

Nano Lett. 2021 Feb 10;21(3):1295-1302. doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c03850. Epub 2021 Jan 20.


The properties of correlated oxides can be manipulated by forming short-period superlattices since the layer thicknesses are comparable with the typical length scales of the involved correlations and interface effects. Herein, we studied the metal-insulator transitions (MITs) in tetragonal NdNiO3/SrTiO3 superlattices by controlling the NdNiO3 layer thickness, n in the unit cell, spanning the length scale of the interfacial octahedral coupling. Scanning transmission electron microscopy reveals a crossover from a modulated octahedral superstructure at n = 8 to a uniform nontilt pattern at n = 4, accompanied by a drastically weakened insulating ground state. Upon further reducing n the predominant dimensionality effect continuously raises the MIT temperature, while leaving the antiferromagnetic transition temperature unaltered down to n = 2. Remarkably, the MIT can be enhanced by imposing a sufficiently large strain even with strongly suppressed octahedral rotations. Our results demonstrate the relevance for the control of oxide functionalities at reduced dimensions.

Keywords: dimensionality; metal−insulator transition; nickelate superlattice; oxygen octahedral rotations; strain.