Principles of Effective Data Visualization

Patterns (N Y). 2020 Nov 11;1(9):100141. doi: 10.1016/j.patter.2020.100141. eCollection 2020 Dec 11.


We live in a contemporary society surrounded by visuals, which, along with software options and electronic distribution, has created an increased importance on effective scientific visuals. Unfortunately, across scientific disciplines, many figures incorrectly present information or, when not incorrect, still use suboptimal data visualization practices. Presented here are ten principles that serve as guidance for authors who seek to improve their visual message. Some principles are less technical, such as determining the message before starting the visual, while other principles are more technical, such as how different color combinations imply different information. Because figure making is often not formally taught and figure standards are not readily enforced in science, it is incumbent upon scientists to be aware of best practices in order to most effectively tell the story of their data.

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