Simultaneous Classical Communication and Quantum Key Distribution Based on Plug-and-Play Configuration with an Optical Amplifier

Entropy (Basel). 2019 Mar 27;21(4):333. doi: 10.3390/e21040333.


We propose a simultaneous classical communication and quantum key distribution (SCCQ) protocol based on plug-and-play configuration with an optical amplifier. Such a protocol could be attractive in practice since the single plug-and-play system is taken advantage of for multiple purposes. The plug-and-play scheme waives the necessity of using two independent frequency-locked laser sources to perform coherent detection, thus the phase noise existing in our protocol is small which can be tolerated by the SCCQ protocol. To further improve its capabilities, we place an optical amplifier inside Alice's apparatus. Simulation results show that the modified protocol can well improve the secret key rate compared with the original protocol whether in asymptotic limit or finite-size regime.

Keywords: classical communication; optical amplifier; plug-and-play configuration; quantum key distribution; simultaneous.