Coherence Depletion in Quantum Algorithms

Entropy (Basel). 2019 Mar 7;21(3):260. doi: 10.3390/e21030260.


Besides the superior efficiency compared to their classical counterparts, quantum algorithms known so far are basically task-dependent, and scarcely any common features are shared between them. In this work, however, we show that the depletion of quantum coherence turns out to be a common phenomenon in these algorithms. For all the quantum algorithms that we investigated, including Grover's algorithm, Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm, and Shor's algorithm, quantum coherence of the system states reduces to the minimum along with the successful execution of the respective processes. Notably, a similar conclusion cannot be drawn using other quantitative measures such as quantum entanglement. Thus, we expect that coherence depletion as a common feature can be useful for devising new quantum algorithms in the future.

Keywords: quantum algorithm; quantum coherence; resource theory.