The response of clinical practice curriculum in teacher education to the Covid-19 breakout: A case study from Israel

Prospects (Paris). 2021;51(1-3):449-462. doi: 10.1007/s11125-020-09516-8. Epub 2020 Nov 24.


This case study explores how teacher education curriculum in a college in Israel responded to the Covid-19 outbreak. The article focuses on the clinical component of the preservice curriculum (practice teaching and methods courses). It reveals that curriculum became malleable in two major ways: there was (1) a shift to learner-centered well-being and social emotional learning (SEL); and (2) an adaptation of teaching methods. The Covid-19 shutdown imposed a restructuring of the content, sequence, and scope of the curriculum. While certain topics were omitted or reduced in scope, others-especially those related to digital instruction-were introduced or expanded. Pedagogy instructors also began to attend to their students' well-being by introducing SEL contents and activities. This response during challenging times revealed teacher educators' adaptability, resilience, and agency. The Covid-19 breakout transformed the curriculum from a traditional pre-planned and structured syllabus to one that is more responsive, dynamic, and malleable.

Keywords: Coronavirus; Covid-19; Curriculum; Social emotional learning; Teacher education.