Present-Day Mass Tourism: its Imaginaries and Nightmare Scenarios

Society. 2020;57(4):385-391. doi: 10.1007/s12115-020-00499-y. Epub 2020 Jul 19.


Present-day mass tourism uncannily resembles an auto-immune disease. Yet, self-destructive as it may be, it is also self-regenerating, changing its appearance and purpose. They are two modes that stand in contrast to each other. We can see them as opposites that delimit a conceptual dimension ordering varieties of present-day mass tourism. The first pole calls forth tourism as a force leaving ruin and destruction in its wake or at best a sense of nostalgia for what has been lost, the other sees tourism as a force endlessly resuscitating and re-inventing itself. This paper article highlights both sides of the story. These times of the Covid-19 pandemic, with large swathes of public life emptied by social lock-down, remind us of a second, cross-cutting conceptual dimension, ranging from public space brimming with human life to its post-apocalyptic opposite eerily empty and silent. The final part of my argument will touch on imagined evocations of precisely such dystopian landscapes.

Keywords: Civil-rights tourism; Commodification paradox; Disney-fication; Environmentalism; Global tourism; Lieux de mémoire; Sites of nostalgia; Time travel; Utopian/dystopian imaginaries.