
In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan.


The most common refractive error in childhood is hyperopia. The term hyperopia refers to the refractive condition of the eye where parallel light rays coming from the infinity are focussed behind the neurosensory retina (after refraction through the ocular media ) when accommodation is at rest. The spontaneous accommodative effort of the human eye, by increasing the anterior curvature and converging power of the crystalline lens, usually tries to overcome this situation. So, accommodative rest is mandatory to elicit total hyperopia, specifically in young individuals.

By birth, human beings are predominantly hyperopic, and as the age progresses, hyperopic eyeballs grow to become emmetropic or even myopic. Positive family history plays a crucial role in the development of hyperopia in the next generations. If left untreated after diagnosis, sequelae such as amblyopia and tropia may develop.

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