Fast Single-Image HDR Tone-Mapping by Avoiding Base Layer Extraction

Sensors (Basel). 2020 Aug 5;20(16):4378. doi: 10.3390/s20164378.


The tone-mapping algorithm compresses the high dynamic range (HDR) information into the standard dynamic range for regular devices. An ideal tone-mapping algorithm reproduces the HDR image without losing any vital information. The usual tone-mapping algorithms mostly deal with detail layer enhancement and gradient-domain manipulation with the help of a smoothing operator. However, these approaches often have to face challenges with over enhancement, halo effects, and over-saturation effects. To address these challenges, we propose a two-step solution to perform a tone-mapping operation using contrast enhancement. Our method improves the performance of the camera response model by utilizing the improved adaptive parameter selection and weight matrix extraction. Experiments show that our method performs reasonably well for overexposed and underexposed HDR images without producing any ringing or halo effects.

Keywords: adaptive parameters; camera response function; contrast stretching; tone-mapping.