Retrograde Accretion Disks in High-Mass Be/X-ray Binaries

Mon Not R Astron Soc Lett. 2017 Sep;470(1):L21-L24. doi: 10.1093/mnrasl/slx058. Epub 2017 May 1.


We have compiled a comprehensive library of all X-ray observations of Magellanic pulsars carried out by XMM-Newton, Chandra, and RXTE in the period 1997-2014. In this work, we use the data from 53 high-mass Be/X-ray binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud to demonstrate that the distribution of spin-period derivatives vs. spin periods of spinning-down pulsars is not at all different than that of the accreting spinning-up pulsars. The inescapable conclusion is that the up and down samples were drawn from the same continuous parent population, therefore Be/X-ray pulsars that are spinning down over periods spanning 18 years are in fact accreting from retrograde disks. The presence of prograde and retrograde disks in roughly equal numbers supports a new evolutionary scenario for Be/X-ray pulsars in their spin period-period derivative diagram.

Keywords: X-rays: binaries; accretion, accretion disks; stars: magnetic fields; stars: neutron.