Motion Planning for Convertible Indoor Scene Layout Design

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph. 2021 Dec;27(12):4413-4424. doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2020.3005680. Epub 2021 Oct 26.


We present a system for designing indoor scenes with convertible furniture layouts. Such layouts are useful for scenarios where an indoor scene has multiple purposes and requires layout conversion, such as merging multiple small furniture objects into a larger one or changing the locus of the furniture. We aim at planning the motion for the convertible layouts of a scene with the most efficient conversion process. To achieve this, our system first establishes object-level correspondences between the layout of a given source and that of a reference to compute a target layout, where the objects are re-arranged in the source layout with respect to the reference layout. After that, our system initializes the movement paths of objects between the source and target layouts based on various mechanical constraints. A joint space-time optimization is then performed to program a control stream of object translations, rotations, and stops, under which the movements of all objects are efficient and the potential object collisions are avoided. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our system through various design examples of multi-purpose, indoor scenes with convertible layouts.