Obtaining more energetic modelocked pulses from a SESAM-based fiber laser

Opt Express. 2020 Jul 6;28(14):20345-20361. doi: 10.1364/OE.395857.


A major design goal for femtosecond fiber lasers is to increase the output power but not at the cost of increasing the noise level or narrowing the bandwidth. Here, we perform a computational study to optimize the cavity design of a femtosecond fiber laser that is passively modelocked with a semiconductor saturable absorbing mirror (SESAM). We use dynamical methods that are more than a thousand times faster than standard evolutionary methods. We show that we can obtain higher pulse energies and hence higher output powers by simultaneously increasing the output coupling ratio, the gain, and the anomalous group delay dispersion. We can obtain output pulses that are from 5 to 15 times the energy of the pulse in the current experimental design with no penalty in the noise level or bandwidth.