A characterization of seminormal C-monoids

Boll Unione Mat Ital (2008). 2019;12(4):583-597. doi: 10.1007/s40574-019-00194-9. Epub 2019 Feb 9.


It is well-known that a C-monoid is completely integrally closed if and only if its reduced class semigroup is a group and if this holds, then the C-monoid is a Krull monoid and the reduced class semigroup coincides with the usual class group of Krull monoids. We prove that a C-monoid is seminormal if and only if its reduced class semigroup is a union of groups. Based on this characterization we establish a criterion (in terms of the class semigroup) when seminormal C-monoids are half-factorial.

Keywords: C-monoids; Class semigroups; Half-factorial; Krull monoids; Seminormal.