Experimental and finite element investigation of total ankle replacement: A review of literature and recommendations

J Orthop. 2019 Sep 11:18:41-49. doi: 10.1016/j.jor.2019.09.019. eCollection 2020 Mar-Apr.


This paper briefly reviews the different methodology, technology, challenges, and outcomes of various studies related to TAR prosthesis based on numerical and experimental techniques. Very less in-vitro experimental studies on TAR have been found than finite element (FE) studies. Due to the invasive nature of the experimental approach, inadequacy and less clinical information, computational modelling has been widely used by the researchers. This paper critically examines the part related to FE modelling and experimental analysis. Some recommendation related to modelling of bones, cartilages, ligaments, muscles, and implant-bone interface condition were discussed for better understanding the results and better clinical significance.

Keywords: Ankle; Experimental analysis; Finite element method; Implant; Total ankle replacement.

Publication types

  • Review