Patient perceptions of antibiotic prophylaxis for dental procedures after total joint arthroplasty

J Orthop. 2019 Aug 14:17:22-24. doi: 10.1016/j.jor.2019.08.028. eCollection 2020 Jan-Feb.


Objective: Investigating patients' perceptions regarding need for antibiotic prophylaxis during dental procedures after undergoing joint arthroplasty.

Methods: Questionnaire was administered to patients presenting at: 1)an orthopaedic office; 2)a dental office; regarding perceptions of antibiotic prophylaxis.

Results: 36 orthopaedic patients responded "Yes" to always taking prophylaxis; 36 patients responded "No" (36/72, 50.0% compliance). Five dental patients responded "Yes" to always taking prophylaxis; 19 patients responded "No" (5/24, 20.8% compliance) (p = 0.017). 67/135 orthopaedic patients (49.6%) endorsed some form of dental prophylaxis, versus 34/58 dental patients (58.6%) (p = 0.27).

Conclusion: Patient perceptions of the need for dental prophylaxis vary within orthopaedic and dental practices.

Keywords: Antibiotic prophylaxis; Dental procedure; Patient perception; Total joint arthroplasty.