Transmissible inflammation-induced colorectal cancer in inflammasome-deficient mice

Oncoimmunology. 2018 May 7;8(10):e981995. doi: 10.4161/2162402X.2014.981995. eCollection 2019.


The microbiota is pivotal in orchestrating the pathogenesis of IBD-associated colorectal cancer (CRC). We recently demonstrated that altered elements in the microbiota of inflammasome-deficient mice drive transmissible inflammation-induced CRC. This microbiota-mediated effect is dependent upon microbiome-induced CCL5-driven inflammation, which, in turn, promotes epithelial cell proliferation through local activation of the IL-6 pathway, leading to cancer development.

Keywords: ASC; Inflammasome; NLRP6; colon cancer; microflora.