Determining the optimal maximal and submaximal voluntary contraction tests for normalizing the erector spinae muscles

PeerJ. 2019 Oct 18:7:e7824. doi: 10.7717/peerj.7824. eCollection 2019.


Background: This study aimed to identify which maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) and sub-MVIC tests produce the highest activation of the erector spinae muscles and the greatest reduction in inter-individual variability, to put them forward as reference normalization maneuvers for future studies.

Methods: Erector spinae EMG activity was recorded in 38 healthy women during five submaximal and three maximal exercises.

Results: None of the three MVIC tests generated the maximal activation level in all the participants. The maximal activation level was achieved in 68.4% of cases with the test performed on the roman chair in the horizontal position (96.3 ± 7.3; p < 0.01). Of the five submaximal maneuvers, the one in the horizontal position on the roman chair produced the highest percentage of activation (61.1 ± 16.7; p < 0.01), and one of the lowest inter-individual variability values in the normalized signal of a trunk flexion-extension task.

Conclusions: A modified Sorensen MVIC test in a horizontal position on a roman chair and against resistance produced the highest erector spinae activation, but not in 100% of participants, so the execution of several normalization maneuvers with the trunk at different inclinations should be considered to normalize the erector spinae EMG signal. A modified Sorensen test in a horizontal position without resistance is the submaximal maneuver that produces the highest muscle activation and the greatest reduction in inter-individual variability, and could be considered a good reference test for normalization.

Keywords: Electromyography; Erector spinae; Maximum voluntary isometric contraction; Normalization; Sub-maximum voluntary isometric contraction.

Grants and funding

This work was supported by grants from the Universitat de València (UV-INV-AE16-495476; “Estudio de la función lumbopélvica para el tratamiento del dolor lumbar en el embarazo y la lactancia”), Generalitat Valenciana (Subvenciones para grupos de investigación consolidables- AICO/2019/331), and the University CEU Cardenal Herrera (convocatoria de Proyectos en Consolidación CEU-Banco Santander 2017-2018). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.