Cold shock induces chromosomal qnr in Vibrio species and plasmid-mediated qnrS1 in Escherichia coli

Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2019 Sep 9;63(12):e01472-19. doi: 10.1128/AAC.01472-19. Epub 2019 Sep 30.


qnr genes are found in aquatic bacteria and preceded the development of synthetic quinolones. Their natural functions are unknown. We evaluated the expression of chromosomal qnr in Vibrio species in response to environmental stresses and DNA damaging agents. Sub-inhibitory concentrations of quinolones, but not other DNA damaging agents, induced the expression of chromosomal qnr by more than five times in Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio vulnificus, and Vibrio mytili Cold shock also induced the expression of qnr in V. parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus, and V. mytili, as well as qnrS1 in Escherichia coli qnrS1 induction by cold shock was not altered in ΔihfA or ΔihfB mutants or in a strain over-expressing dnaA, that otherwise directly modulate qnrS1 induction by ciprofloxacin. In contrast, qnrS1 induction by cold shock was reduced in a ΔcspA mutant in the cold shock regulon compared to the wild type. In conclusion, cold shock as well as quinolones induce chromosomal qnr in Vibrio species, and the related qnrS1 in E. coli.