Elevated Systemic L-Kynurenine/L-Tryptophan Ratio and Increased IL-1 Beta and Chemokine (CX3CL1, MCP-1) Proinflammatory Mediators in Patients with Long-Term Titanium Dental Implants

J Clin Med. 2019 Sep 2;8(9):1368. doi: 10.3390/jcm8091368.


Titanium is the mean biocompatible metal found in dental titanium alloys (Ti-6Al-4V). The safety of certain dental biomaterial amalgams has been questioned in patients. The levels of several systemic cytokines (interleukin (IL)-1 beta, IL-4: pg/mL) and chemokines (monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), soluble fractalkine (CX3CL1: pg/mL) were determined using ELISA and compared between these study groups. The study included 30 controls without dental materials (cont), 57 patients with long-term titanium dental implants plus amalgams (A + I group) as well as 55 patients with long-term dental amalgam alone (A group). All patients (except controls) have had dental titanium implants (Ti-6Al-4V) and/or amalgams for at least 10 years (average: 15 years). We evaluated whether systemic levels of cytokines/chemokines, kyn/L-trp ratio and aromatic amino acid levels (HPLC: mM/L, Phe, L-Trp, His, Treo) could be altered in patients with long-term dental titanium and/or amalgams. These systemic markers were evaluated in 142 patients. The A + I group had higher L-Kynurenine/L-Tryptophan ratios than patients with long-term dental amalgam fillings alone (A). In addition, levels of IL-1 Beta cytokine, CX3CL1 and MCP-1 chemokines were higher in the A + I group than in the A group (A). The increased L-kyn/L-trp ratio and MCP-1 and fractalkine receptor (CX3CR1) elevations could suggest enhanced chemotactic responses by these chemokines in the A + I group.

Keywords: CX3CL1 (fractalkine); His; IDO; L-Kyn/L-Trp; amino acids; chemokines; chemotaxis; cytokines; dentistry and medical toxicology; inflammation; kynurenine pathways; melatonin; titanium dental implants and dental amalgam fillings; tryptophan (L-Trp), cytokines.