Bath-Induced Decay of Stark Many-Body Localization

Phys Rev Lett. 2019 Jul 19;123(3):030602. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.030602.


We investigate the relaxation dynamics of an interacting Stark-localized system coupled to a dephasing bath, and compare its behavior to the conventional disorder-induced many body localized system. Specifically, we study the dynamics of population imbalance between even and odd sites, and the growth of the von Neumann entropy. For a large potential gradient, the imbalance is found to decay on a timescale τ that grows quadratically with the Wannier-Stark tilt. For the noninteracting system, it shows an exponential decay, which becomes a stretched exponential decay in the presence of finite interactions. This is different from a system with disorder-induced localization, where the imbalance exhibits a stretched exponential decay also for vanishing interactions. As another clear qualitative difference, we do not find a logarithmically slow growth of the von Neumann entropy as it is found for the disordered system. Our findings can immediately be tested experimentally with ultracold atoms in optical lattices.