Noise-induced spiking-bursting transition in the neuron model with the blue sky catastrophe

Phys Rev E. 2019 Jun;99(6-1):062408. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.99.062408.


We study a special variant of the noise-induced transition between spiking and bursting regimes associated with the blue sky catastrophe bifurcation in the Hindmarsh-Rose neuron model. We show that in the parameter region close to the bifurcation value, where the only attractor of the system is the limit cycle of tonic spiking type, noise can transform the spiking oscillatory regime to the bursting one. This phenomenon is studied by means of power spectral density and interspike intervals statistics. We show that noise shifts the bifurcation value, so that bursting activity can be observed for a wider parameter range. Moreover, we reveal that the stochastic spiking-bursting transitions in this system are accompanied by the change in sign of the Lyapunov exponent. We perform a detailed quantitative analysis of these phenomena with an approach that uses a concept of the stochastic sensitivity function, the confidence domains method, and Mahalanobis metrics.