A Rare Case of Cardiogenic Shock Following Severe Multivessel Coronary Vasospasm

J Tehran Heart Cent. 2019 Jan;14(1):28-32.


Prinzmetal's angina occurs following spasms in a single or multiple vascular beds, resulting in a typical chest pain and an ST-segment elevation in electrocardiography (ECG). It can lead to life-threatening arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. We describe a 37-year-old woman who was admitted with a typical chest pain and hypotension. Her initial ECG showed an ST-segment elevation in the inferior and precordial leads. She was transferred to the catheterization unit, where coronary angiography illustrated multivessel spasms. The spasms were relieved with a nitroglycerin injection. She was discharged with stable hemodynamics 7 days later, and at 1 month's follow-up, no recurrent attack was detected.

Keywords: Angina pectoris, variant; Coronary vasospasm; Shock, cardiogenic.

Publication types

  • Case Reports
  • Retracted Publication