Practices and knowledge regarding dengue infection among the rural community of Haryana

J Family Med Prim Care. 2019 May;8(5):1752-1754. doi: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_6_19.


Background: The dengue infection has become a major global public health problem and 40% of the world's population living in an area at risk for dengue and causing nearly 400 million infections every year. There is no specific treatment for dengue, but if there is proper case management then case fatality rates can be below 1%.

Aim and objectives: To study the knowledge and practice about dengue fever in a rural community of Haryana.

Methodology: The study recruited 400 adults (15-60 years) and all subjects were selected randomly from survey registers of eight anganwadi centres and data was collected by visiting house to house.

Results: The association between demographic variables and knowledge about dengue fever and found out that only caste wise and socio-economic wise were found to be statistically significant rest associations were found to be statistically non-significant.

Conclusion and recommendations: There is a need of hour to make rural people aware of symptoms of DF and different preventive methods through mass media like television, newspapers, internet, social media etc or audio visual aids or through primary care physician.

Keywords: Aedes; dengue; fever; health education; mosquito net.