Cuboid Stress Fractures

In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan.


Foot conditions can be challenging to diagnose and treat due to their complex anatomy. The foot is comprised of 26 bones and 33 joints. The foot is anatomically subdivided into the hindfoot, midfoot, and forefoot. The cuboid bone is within the area of the mid-foot. This area comprises the navicular medially, three cuneiform bones, and the cuboid on the lateral side. The cuboid bone is on the most lateral aspect of the mid-foot, articulating with the calcaneus proximally and the base of the fourth and fifth metatarsals distally. Due to the repetitive mechanical forces dissipated in the area, the foot is prone to overuse injuries, especially stress fractures. Isolated stress fractures of the cuboid are rare, with a review of literature showing less than a 1% incidence. This condition should be a consideration in a patient with continual lateral foot or ankle pain, especially if the patient has persistent lateral foot pain, is athletically inclined, and has a history of repetitive use such as running, triathlon, and jumping activities such as ballet.

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